Leandro Incetta


Professor at Case Study Club

ADPList proposed that I create a course for product design students. So, I started asking people I mentor in my sessions what they felt they needed from a course. The most mentioned aspect was that they wanted to be heard.

So, I teamed up with Emma Ziobrzynski to create a workshop where all participants could give and receive constructive feedback on their case studies and modes of communication.

A workshop, not a monologue

I wanted to create a format where we all are equal and feel equal. It was important for participants to see that when we communicate the same message, it can be perceived differently by each person who receives it. Having everyone take notes was crucial for them to feel actively engaged throughout the entire class.

Guest speakers

I invited recruiters, hiring managers, creative directors, and a psychologist specialized in behavioral sciences. Each of them shared what they look for in a story, from different perspectives. This allowed the students to gain tools that enabled them to understand the diversity of an audience and the common points we all share as human beings when we want to communicate.

Conversation starters

What started as a portfolio workshop ended up being an analysis space for each student to find their own communication style that best represented them. We all realized that these case studies are artifacts that serve as a starting point for a human conversation. They are an excuse for two people to connect and create a professional relationship.

More details about the course here.